Now most of you know LyLa as the girl who lets me take pictures of her food (oh...and her eating said food) for all of the
Friday Lunch Posts or
the girl hiding under her desk... To me, shes a bit more. I've known LyLa since 5th grade. She's been a classmate, a best friend, a roommate, a hair stylist, and more recently - a coworker. Last November, she became the other half of the wondrous "Accounting Girls" duo. On days when I sing (off key) to myself aloud, do random karate kicks as I make my way back from the filing room, and misinterpret classic rock lyrics, I thank the heavens that I work with someone who tolerates me - someone who keeps me laughing as she joins in the chaos.
In recent months, she's shared in this whole blogging experience with me. She feigns Publishers-Clearing-House-Winner like surprise when I get new followers. She follows up listening to my daily analytics report with "Your blog gets so much traffic, you need a crossing guard!" But best of all, she's constantly thinking of new and creative ideas for adventures, posts, and contests.
Last week, I was just babbling aloud about feeling a bit over-whelmed and uninspired. I went on about how the South is just such a big, exciting place and I just didn't know where to start. That's when LyLa's wheels started turning - and she came up with a three-fer.
Letting you guys inspire me to get a' movin in the form of a contest.
Not catching on?
No worries.
Let me explain.
Oak Tree. Main Street. New Iberia, LABeginning today, Dixie Lust is holding it's first photography contest.
Here's the run down:
- You must be a follower to enter
- You will have one week to submit your photo (9.16.09 - 9.23.09)
- Photos must be submitted by e-mail
- The theme for the photo contest is "My Southern Adventure" - there are no specific guidelines on photo content. It can range from still life, to landscapes, to vacation photos - anything that makes you think of a southern adventure.
- Photos must be personal photographs - i.e. taken by you, have you in the photograph
- At the end of the contest, I will select 3 - 5 of the photos that I find most inspiring. Out of that batch, LyLa will choose her favorite as the winner.
The winner will walk away with:
The Chartres St. Gift Basket from the legendary New Orleans cafe, Cafe Du Monde which includes: Regular coffee and chicory, beignet mix, powdered sugar and powdered sugar shaker

and a "Got Beignets?" T-Shirt also from Cafe Du Monde

After the winner is announced, LyLa and I will use the winner's photo as inspiration for an adventure and take our own southern adventure photos to share with everyone!
UPDATE: Just realized that beignets might be more of a Louisiana culture thing than I thought, so if the above has got you scratching your head, click here to learn more about the "official state doughnut of Louisiana"