Last Updated: September 8, 2009
Adventures Experienced: 003
Love something/some place and don't see it on my list??
Leave your suggestions in the comments or e-mail me and I'll
add it to my list. The week I complete your suggestion, I'll feature your
blog on the sidebar.

- Amores Pizzaroma - ((via LyLa))
Baton Rouge
- Harrington's Cafe - Stuffed Shrimp, Crawfish Pie Specialty ((via Jess))
- Atcha Bakery & Cafe - Falafel ((via Jess))
- Chelsea's Cafe - Grilled Cheese, Tomato Basil Soup ((via Jess))
Big Cane
- Have GC show me what all the fuss is about
See Sons of William play a hometown show
Visit Stelly's Restaurant, see the 135 yr old snapper turtle, and have a burger with fries
New Iberia
Early Morning Breakast with a good friend at Victor's Cafeteria- Book's Along the Teche - Find a book by a local author and actually finish reading it
- Spend the morning at Jungle Gardens - WALK not drive & photograph my findings
New Orleans
- Neophobia - Find art/accessories/small furniture (within my price range - hah!)
White Castle

Fort Worth
San Antonio

- Bozo's Grocery - Shrimp PoBoy ((via Evie))

Coconut Beach
- Spend the morning at Butterfly World
Delray Beach
- Dinner at DaDa's

Wow, Kora, what a great idea and such a creative post! Looks like you're in for some fun times ahead! Let the good times roll, cher!
Love the new header, too!
Vinnie Van Go-Go's in Savannah, awesome pizza. It's located in City Market.
Your Friend,
Marguerite - thanks so much for the lovely compliments. Now I know you of all people have a suggestion or two for this great southern adventure... Any great places to check out in ole' Abbeville?
Stevieeeee - oh how I miss you! Thanks so much for reading and encouraging me to keep up with this thing. I'll definitely add this one to the list!
ohh you're welcome mimi! I will think of more! x
I'm excited to be reading about your adventures! Especially your Louisiana ones! I live here in Mississippi now and I'll give you a great little dive. If you're ever passing through on I-10 it's worth the time to jump off in Pascagoula, head downtown to Bozo's Seafood. It's a great little market and deli that has been run by the same family for over 50 years. They have, hands down.. the.best.shrimp.poboy.ever!
Let me know if you're ever passing through. I have plenty of room for a stop over!
Amore' Pizzaroma in Abbeville, LA. Itty bitty place, but THE best pizza. YUM!
Houma, LA -- Bayou Delight Restaurant. It's down Bayou Black. A little out of the way. Some nights have live music... but always a jukebox. While you wait for your food, you can step outside and look for alligators off the dock. Go around sunset... reminds you why Louisiana is awesome.
The Menger Hotel in San Antonio, Texas is a great place to visit, if you are into ghost hunting. I stayed there with a group of people and we had a great time, wandering the halls, snapping random pictures all hours of the night. The staff there encourage you with stories of hauntings as well as letting you know about claims of ghosts being seen on the premises.
yo, you could also go to wormsers men store in new iberia and pick out a fab outfit for marcus theriot and make him wear it around lafayette. lol that is always fun. he once tried on a really urban outfit. i shouldve made him buy it and wear it everywhere. it was so funny!
Great idea and post! You need to include South Carolina! So many great historical spots in Charleston and the restaurants are top notch. A few of my favorite things are:
Restaurants - Basil, Hank's, The Wreck, Pane Vino
Historic - Hunley, Fort Sumter, & Fort Moultrie
You should visit!
I know, I'm a little behind, but I just came across this posting! Here's a few that are great in my opinion:
San Antonio: After you stay a night at the Menger, check out the St. Anthony. It's very historic and supposedly VERY haunted. The hubby and I only heard weird sounds when we stayed there, but it still was a cool experience. Also in San Antonio is the Buckhorn Saloon and Museum. The food is decent but the museum is AH-MAZING!
Now, on the Alabama... in Birmingham there's a haunted house called Sloss Furnace. If you could swing a trip in October, and you like haunted houses, it's SO worth your time! They have a website (www.frightfurnace.com) and if you Google it, you can read all about the history of the place. (Supposedly it really is haunted!)
You really should add Austin to the list, there's SO many things to do there, it's tied with DFW as my favorite Texas city.
you need to go to Morgan City for the Shrimp and Petroleum Festival. You know...bc my fam is into Shrimp and yours is into Oil.
While you're in the Fort Worth Stockyards you should check out Riscky's Barbeque. Hands down, best bbq evar!
Also, Sprinkles Cupcakes in Dallas is super yummy!
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