If y'all remember, I asked you guys to keep little Ethan in your prayers a few weeks ago.
Ethan gave us all a scare with his ICU stay.
I just want to thank you all for your kind words, selfless thoughts, and heartfelt prayers.
In his stay at Texas Children's Hospital, Ethan was diagnosed with Epilepsy.
While its something that no family should have to go through, he is on medicine to control his seizures. His Nanny (my pretty-much-why-hasn't-my-brother-proposed-yet? sister in law) Hillary has kept us in the loop with videos of him cooing and laughing, photos of his handsome little grin, and email updates on his progress.
This Saturday, the Epilepsy Foundation of Houston is having it's annual Stroll for Epilepsy at the Houston Zoo. Baby Ethan's family has come together to form a team - parents, grandparents, aunts, and friends...even me. We hope to raise both awareness of Epilepsy and money for research and programs.
If any of you have the resources and would like to donate to Team Ethan and sponsor me on my walk for Epilepsy, please head over here - you can read more about Ethan and how your donation will be put to use.
And if you think of it, please keep everyone involved in the Stroll for Epilepsy in your thoughts this weekend!
my heart is with baby ethan.
You got it, girl. What a beautiful little boy.
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