I know you kids have been waiting for these for a while.
But before we continue on, let me point out a few things so you can skip over them if you make a comment. SKing and I apparently have a very limited number of poses - I'm going to say a max of 2. It may look like more, but trust me those photos are just us transitioning into pose un or pose deux. Also. I promise we were actually in NOLA - the French Quarter to be exact - for these. I'm aware that you can't actually see this but in the background of these there are actually drunks making asses of themselves, hoochie girls making out for attention, and some old guy thinking hes going to get some because hes wearing a von dutch hat circa 2003. Hello Dirty Coast! And thirdly and lastly, you're going to be all, "Dude Kora... did you really have to photoshop each of these into black and white submission?!" Yes. Yes I did. I had to shield your beautiful bloggy eyes from our "walking dead" corpse-like-faces... a result of our tranny makeup not being able to withstand the humidity of Bourbon.

1. I LOVE your new layout here lady!
2. Sexy bitches
3. SOOO much fun!
4. That Scottish man is delish!
SOoo adorable. I love the pics!!
Scottish Man Meat in NOLA? HEAVEN!
You look soooooo purdy!
i'm loving your honesty on this one. i like the last one of you and scottish boy - you have this look of mystery on your face. hmmm.... ;)
Hello my ladylove! I am in deep LOVE with your new layout...I seriously gasped! So cool!
And there is so many things I like in this post: pretty faces, Strongbow, and Scottish men! rawr!
LOVE the pics :)
Just landed on your blog.... ummm... not even sure how! But I am here! And I love it :)
Yay! Thx for photo shopping the tranny makeup.....I'll be working on pose trois :)
Wow, lots of fun pics and handsome boys!
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