Let's just start out this week's posting with the most amazing part of my weekend....

It was glorrrrrrious!
Thanks to the 610 S for a chance to rendezvous with this beauty!
Twenty-something living in Southern Louisiana - finally starting to feel at home somewhere I've lived my whole life. Rediscovering the Gulf Coast one {fried shrimp, stately plantation home, dirt road, familiar face, ice-cold beer, nonsensical road trip} at a time.
You are kidding me!! That is fantastic!! I'm so glad you got pictures :)
I tagged you, by the way. I left a comment on the last post, but just wanted to make sure you got it!
MUAH! xoxo
I love when I see the wiener mobile!
I will have the song in me head all day now!
I love the wienermobile!! My grandpa worked for Oscar Mayer back in the day so we have all sorts of old school wienermobile stuff. And a girl who used to work for me actually drove it- that was her job!!!
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