Where in the world have I been eh?
My lovely little spot of the blogosphere has been gathering dust and getting looks of pity from across the way.
Here's a break down of Mizz KB's whereabouts...

Me + Ninja having din din at Asia in L'Auberge Du Lac Hotel & Casino
Boca Raton, Fort Lauderdale, Key West, Delray Beach, YeeHaw Junction, Climax (GA), Engagement Party for Melanie & Logan, Perkins Rowe, Urban Outfitters, Kona Grill, California Pizza Kitchen, BCBG, Leesville, DeRidder, watching Eat Pray Love, Jessica & Gavin's Wedding, Wine Loft, Tap Room, Bella Figura, Cafe Roma, Towne Center Mall, L'Auberge Du Lac, GloBar, Asia Noodle Bar, Lake Charles Man Made Beach, Steamboat Bill's, lost, Tallahasse, in the sketchy part of town, Blue Agave, Pizzeria Venti, working late, SKing's condo, in bed watching chick flicks
stuck in my head, wanting to blog, focusing on turning my job into a career, longing for more excitement in my surroundings, letting my perfectionism give way to procrastination, asking things of others that I should be demanding of myself, inspired, creative, speaking my thoughts and emotions, romancing the world, searching for things that bring me joy, veering away from things that drain me, challenging myself, searching for balance, investing in myself
Maybe that above section sounds like a clusterfreak of self-help and new age-iness, but it's honestly and truely where I am in life. Let's call it what it is... a quarter-life crisis. I'm at the point where having a great job and fabulous friends is great but theres an undeniable desire for more - to reap the most I can from the life and the opportunities I've been given.
A close friend told me recently, "Often times, the things you ask of others.... God may be asking you to do."
And that hit me like a brick.
I so often see the opportunities available to others and expect them to take full advantage and push themselves to be great.
But I've been slacking in my own life.
I'm working on the personal life and the professional one as well, but the one we're discussing now is my blogging life.
I started this blog as a way to share my love for the people and the culture of the Gulf Coast. I've been blessed with so many people who are willing to read and to provide feedback. I've been given the chance to create and nurture friendships that inspire me and challenge me. I've let my perfectionism and being stuck inside my head prevent me from accomplishing my original purpose... And I feel like I need to be more assertive in my pursuit of all that blogging brings.
Don't know how this comes across to y'all
but I have to say the honesty already has me inspired
and I'm vowing to bring you more of my lust for adventure.