I spent a good part of my Sunday scouring Books a Million for a few books I could take along to Boca - cause lets face it, one of the best parts of beaching it up is getting lost in a really good book. My problem is that I only found one book that really caught my eye, The 19th Wife by David Ebershoff ... and cover drew me in so much that I read the back four times on the way home. Then I let myself read the first chapter when I got home - but only the first chapter I promised. Well, if you know anything about me, know this - I don't really "do" patience nor do I "do" self-restraint. The first chapter turned into me reading all 500+ pages in one sitting.
I'm Boca-bound in 3 days and book-less...
So please, dear lusty ones....
(That's your new name, I've decided... Try it on. Feels nice, doesn't it?)
Tell me you've got some great summer reads to recommend???
Please no Nicholas Sparks-y type cryfests though,... I enjoy having my SPF 70 not dribble down my face in a tidal wave of tears and snot.
HOW amazing is that book!? I tore right through it too. Love!
As for other ones? Anything by Chelsea Handler, especially for a vacay! The woman's hilarious.
Have fun in Boca...I will be there in Sept...
How about "The Help" I enjoyed it!
you made me crack up reading this! seriously funny, lady. oh, and i have heard very good things about 'the help' as well. i'll keep my eyes peeled at work for some good ones... ps: your comments today made me smile right back. xo.
i wish i were like you when it comes to readin!
a few of my absolute favorites: The Girl's Guide to Hunting & Fishing; anything by Jen Lancaster; Gods in Alabama; The English American; Circle of Friends....hope one of these strikes your fancy. have a fabulous trip! xoxo
Lusty ones... LOVE.
Some reading suggestions:
Twilight. All of them. Really. They're good.
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo
Love The One You're With
Eat Pray Love (in anticipation of the movie)
Lucky Man (Michael J. Fox's autobiography)
A Little History of the World (if you're into world history)
The Alchemist
Read away my little book worm!
Ok.. the one before me had a few good ones.
The Alchemist is a must!
Eat, Pray, Love is divine.
Feast of Roses. One of the most wonderful love stories ever. I mean ever.
Pillars of the Earth. Wow.
My Sister's Keeper... don't see the movie. The books is 1,000 times better.
That should help you out.
one of my favs (its old though so you may have already read it)-- the other boleyn girl. amazing book!! :)
When do you leave for Boca?
Alice Hoffman.
Any one of her books.
Practical Magic is a good place to start.
I have a few if you want to dig/borrow.
In fact that pretty much applies to my whole collection.. I'm planning on unpacking tonight and tomorrow sooo!
OMG, 500 pages in one sitting is so impressive! Wish I could do that . . . I love reading, but I gotta admit I'm a pretty slow reader. Right now I'm just finishing My Italian Affair by Laura Fraser (memoir) and I LOVE it. Other books I've loved this year: The Hunger Games and The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao. Have fun on your beach trip!
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