So if you've followed for a little bit, you know I'm a teensie bit diabetic and have been having a teensie bit of trouble adjusting to the new lifestyle that October's diagnosis brought about... Okay so maybe we can hold the teensies.
Over the past ten months I've been working with an amazing internist (shout out to Dr. Blappert & his staff!) and a few wonderful counselors. I've gone from a girl who wouldn't touch a single piece of fruit or a vegetable to someone who's willingly eating whole wheat and spinach before she squeezes in a work-out.
It been a rough transition, but I went in for my lab results yesterday and got news thats worth it.
1. My weight is down!
2. My A1C is way below a 6! Normal!
3. I only have to go in for 2 checkups a year
4. If I keep up my eating and exercising, I'll never be put on insulin shots!
READ: Good. Very Good.
Just had to brag to y'all about how
KB is feelin' good in tha neighborhood.
That is awesome news! I am very impressed!!! Love the new look of the blog too!
good for you! love your blog....especially your new header. too cute! feel free to visit me over at southern belle simple!
xoxo, Kate
Holy cow girl!! This is absoultely AMAZING! SO SO SO happy for you!! Love you lady!!!!
Yeah, GIRL! That is amazing news.
You go, girl! That is wonderful news!! So happy for you :) You brag all you want, little lady!
VERY NICE!!! Good for you my dear!!! That is great news... and I'm lovin' the new blog layout. suh-weeeet
That's such good news! I'm happy for you!
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