First off... I had beignets for breakfast. Need I explain why I'm such a fabulous mood?
UPDATE: Thanks to my Southern Soul Sister Summer (S much?) for explaining in the comments how to properly pronounce beignets!
Secondly, I'm getting my dixie-lovin' booty on the proverbial bandwagon and doing the lovely Lauren's Fill In the Blank Friday. Eeee! So excited...
1. If I could medal in an Olympic event it would be something from the Summer Olympics. The cold-weather boycott is back up and running - who wants to practice in the cold all day? Maybe I could be a gymnast or a diver - I'd like to fly through the air.
2. If I was stranded on a deserted island I'd take a handsome twangy manly boy to get on that man stuff, my Olliekins, my cameras, and a sketchbook... oh and a boat?
3. Creepers & Crowds are my most irrational fear.
4. I'd rather sweat everyday, than freeze everyday. ((betcha didn't see that one coming did ya?))
5. I am completely and utterly excited about my 3 day weekend of productivity ahead.
6. I should really be listening to an upbeat mix-tape to complement my great "It's Friday, Biatches!" mood.
7. One of my favorite things in all the world is hanging out with family on the holidays - when everyone's all worked up and got their funny pants on. Everyone gets so animated and tells hilarious stories until we're all out of breath from laughing so hard.
BEN - YAYS is how beignets is pronounced folks. ;)
So glad you;re so happy!!
Ditto on #7! Sounds just like my crew!
Shut up! Beignets would put my booty in a good mood too!! Have a wonderful weekend!
i used to like heat more than cold but now living in sf i'm dying the days its more than 75 out!
OMG! Beniget's would be fabulous!! I can taste that powdered sugar now....yuuuuuummmmy!
Did you know that you can find Cafe Du' Mone Beniget mix in one of our local grocery stores!!!
Hope you have a great weekend KoraB!!
oh, my pictures were taken in ruston, LA. im a south LA girl, but married a ruston boy, and here i am! its a charming place. sure do miss home, though.
"2. If I was stranded on a deserted island I'd take a handsome twangy manly boy to get on that man stuff, my Olliekins, my cameras, and a sketchbook... oh and a boat?"
Oh man, I love the first one!
PS, I noticed you say twangy a lot. I'm not familiar with the word. I get the general idea of it, but could you enlighten me? Hahaha. I like the way it sounds though! :)
I was so excited to have beignets in Boston this weekend. Then, they were a huge disappointment (obviously - it was Boston!). But the rest of the desserts were good!
I was so excited to have beignets in Boston this weekend. Then, they were a huge disappointment (obviously - it was Boston!). But the rest of the desserts were good!
I want those for breakfast... oh my do they look delicious!!!
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