I actually just steal from MW and add some shady pop culture references to the mix.
But you run with whatever works for you, no?
My oh-so adorable Belen left a little comment asking me to further explain the almighty Twang.
Merriam -Webster defines it as:
Pronunciation: \ˈtwaŋ\
Function: noun
Etymology: imitative
Date: circa 1553
1 : a harsh quick ringing sound like that of a plucked banjo string
2 a : nasal speech or resonance b : the characteristic speech of a region, locality, or group of people
3 a : an act of plucking b : pang, twinge
— twangy \ˈtwaŋ-ē\ adjective
Still a little unsure of the twang?

Just think of Ryan & Maci from MTV's Teen Mom.... and the fact that they're kids name is Bentley yet they call him "Behhhn-laaay"
Think about any song by Justin Moore, particularly this one...
Still don't got it?

Just imagine any of the above saying "Fingerrr Leckin' Gooood"
I for one do not have a twang.
I have noticed, however, that when I'm around Ben
I tend to get a little twangy.
He probably thinks I'm mocking him,
but I'm just going to file it under "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery."
I think a little twang is fabulous... kinda wish I had a bit myself!!
How are you? Crazy busy?!? Happy Tuesday to you sweet girl.
my daddy told me that when i went "away" to LSU, i got a twang!
I, for sure, no doubt about it have a twang. And I'm ok with it! This post made me smile :)
Maci's twang is an amazing example. When I talk to people with a twang, I have been told mine gets worse!
I got twang, and I am dad gum proud to have twang. How is it you have no twang?
Haha, even the word makes me want to talk like that! Funny how it does that...
HAHA. I blushed seeing my name up there. And I had to read this post out loud for me to get it. I busted out laughing because I got it when I saw Pres Bush. I was like, "Oooooooh!!!!"
You're too funny! Thanks for this post and for the enlightenment. ;)
bwah ha ha ha ha! This was awesome! :) Big smiles from this wanna be southerner.
I need a twang, even though some people say I have a Utah twang, but whatever. Ha ha. I didn't know Utah people had twangs!
I live in Al- so the twang here is strong-- Which I'm not used since I was born and raised in AZ-
Have a wonderful weekend! LOve your blog btw
Ah, I always read your posts with a bit of twang (in my head), assuming you had one. LOL I personally love it. I always start talking like that after an episode of Justified or Sweet Alabama or something.
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