Click HERE for the best video EVER.
(( video via Sum // sorry couldn't get the embed feature to work))
I know some you are saying to yourself, "Hey People of Louisiana - It's just a football game."
And you know what we say to that?
1. Shush 'yo mouth. Jesus don't like ugly.
2. WHO DAT?!
The Saints are New Orleans. New Orleans is Louisiana. Louisiana is Football.
One in the same.
Now c'mon and celebrate with us.
Cause as Gov. Bobby Jindal has proclaimed, it's "WHO DAT NATION WEEK!"
I'm so excited for you and Sum because you are so excited! Its invigorating!
I stole this idea from you.....
great post!
WOOT!! WHO DAT! I am so excited, can't wait for the super bowl!
It is so much more than a game...
and I am sooooo happy your team is loud and proud and in the Superbowl!! I will be wearing black and gold from head to toe next weekend.... don't you worry about that!!
Our family lost our older generation in Katrina. We have lost them all in the years past the storm. 10 total. It was heart wrenching for them to lose their homes, their family. Us kids have moved all over and after 60 years of living with in 5 miles of one another they were states apart. One by one. They passed of what we all believe is broken hearts. As an Italian family from NOLA they loved everything about the Saint's even when they were the Aints. We were raised on Who Dat and Bless them boys. We all have cried and laughed and told more stories since Sunday. I know they are all n heaven having a good ol time. And Mr Rocky joined them a few months ago so I know baked mac and po boys were had by all. To say this is just football to some one who's heart is from NOLA just doesn't do it justice. I love that I am not the only blogger that is this excited! WHO DAT! We are already planning our Super Bowl party. :)
Sorry to spew all that. lol I guess I needed to get it out but, I am EXCITED !
i LOVE this blog. Love it...
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