Let's show Mr. Romo whats up next weekend?
xoxo KB
ps. oh yeah.... WHO DAT?!
Twenty-something living in Southern Louisiana - finally starting to feel at home somewhere I've lived my whole life. Rediscovering the Gulf Coast one {fried shrimp, stately plantation home, dirt road, familiar face, ice-cold beer, nonsensical road trip} at a time.
Congrats on your win today!! Undefeated!!! WOW! Geaux Saints!!
WHO DAT! GEAUX SAINTS!! I am so excited ab the game!!
okay so i have to tell you i'm a HUGE Cowboys fan so i'm praying they upset your Saints cos let's face it... the Cowboys have let me down ONE TOO many times this season so it would be REALLY awesome if they could beat your Saints. i say this with love ;)
who dat!
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