Thursday, December 17, 2009

Coming Clean...

So I've been thinking....
When I started blogging I wasn't sure how this would turn out or who would read.
So I came up with my little pen name, Kora Bruce.
Kora from my maternal grandmother Cora.
And Bruce came from my last name
& my daddy.

But these days
I'm meeting so many wonderful
and beautiful people through this blog
and I see so many of you as
true friends.

So lets go.
Bonjour pretty people.
If you weren't already aware
I'm Michelle Broussard.
Meesh. Meesha. Shell. Shelly. MBru.
and apparently... Kora Bruce.

So with my little
revelation and such.
I'm giving you guys a chance to ask me
any question that you'd like.
And I will answer them on Monday.


Megan said...

My question is are you related to Marc Broussard?

Elizabeth Bradley said...

Hey Michelle!

{andthisiswhatshesaid} said...

Yay :) I like your name.

stephMport said...

you are mimi too!

Jo said...

I love that you decided to "come clean". And your pen name is actually a variation of your given name, so it wasn't much of a stretch to begin with! ;)
Just wanted to let you know I can identify with the pen name decision. I use my middle name (Jo) both professionally and on my blog site. :)

Summer Athena said...

you are my little meesha. i knew her name, y'all! we are luziana soul sistas.

have you ever made a king cake from scratch?

Unknown said...

Well, I love that you came clean... but to me, you will always be "Kora Bruce". :)

Michelle Broussard is a pretty name though! What is your middle name? Did your parents name you after anyone?

off switch said...

oh, i've got me some questions...

how many countries other than our fine US of A have you visited?

how many siblings, and are they all as cute as mr. michael?

favorite nail polish color?

do you save your movie ticket stubs?

what's next on your list of places to visit?

{are you typically} 5 minutes early or 5 minutes late?

oh, fine... i'll let someone else ask questions now. ;)