If you guys haven't noticed, I disappeared for a few days and while I could easily blame it on exciting Labor Day plans, I'll be honest - I was a complete grump with a serious case of the "I don't wants." I've been stuck in my head, annoyed, grumpy and just plain lazy - and with no real cause for all this moodiness. I stayed in all day yesterday just so I wouldn't spread the negative, yet a tiny bit of it made its way over to Gentleman Caller. While I'm in a much better mood now, I just wanted to say I'm sorry to GC.
Oh, it's alright. We all need a break.
I linked you for tomorrow.
Mama Belle - Thank goodness for breaks ie full days of being a bum. I feel so much better and ready to tackle everything. I can't wait to see tomorrow's post!
cutest kids ever! x
ps I no longer have twitter, but i'm still following you. x
Stephanie - Aren't they? There's a bunch more of them in the series. OH No...what happened with the twitter?!
Aw, those pictures!
And glad you're doing better. :)
i know how this is! i was a bit of this last night actually. and the past few weeks. it's made me not so good at the blogging thing. i hope things are better!
Ali - Thanks for the comment! Thank goodness I'm feeling better, don't know if I could have dealt with being an emo bum much longer.
Maddie - Things are definitely much better! When it came to blogging, comments like this are such the motivator. Not to mention those great photography blogs that inspire me sooo much =)
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