Thursday, July 23, 2009

Full Moon at Noon?

Work has been slow for the majority of us in the Oilfield. Some pass some time by watching the Cajun Onstar Video, while I, on the other hand, get to e-mail Gentleman Caller and have him respond a lot sooner than the usual 3 hour wait time. He's still a bit oblivious to all the workings of his new iPhone which means he's slow with his typing, but lucky for me he's mastered the camera phone. Throughout the day, I get various "country gangsta" photos sent to my phone - the four wheeler inside the kitchen, the pet rooster, "Bruiser" (his beloved truck) all muddied up after a good rain - and I love them all. Silly, pointless photos that make me smile or say "OHHH Lawd!" Yesterday when conversation ran low, I opted out of asking him to "Tell me something I don't know." for the 1,000th time and asked him to send me a random photo. Big Mistake. While I won't re-post the photo here (DixieLust would like to keep some of it's integrity), I will say that I got to see one of his co-workers bending over in the machine shop and showing me his "full moon" while other co-workers stood in the background and made vulgar faces...

It's what I get for asking.

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